Wednesday, December 29, 2010

This is my Refrain


This is my refrain
Punctures your eardrums
You shall hear it again
Even If I have to strum  it
On your twisted bones
After I push you
Into the briars--my home--
The deception you grew.
This is my refrain.
This is my refrain.
This is my refrain.

This is my refrain
And you shall hear it through
You think me delicate, friend
Then touch me, I dare you.
You think me a flower
Test me for the truth
I can smell a coward
And I will digest you.
This is my refrain.
This is my refrain.
This is my refrain.

And the depth
Which you assert I lack
Shall be your death
You will drown and choke on black
Thoughts. And beg
After I swallow you up
And you shall rue
The day you tried to pluck
Me…like some rose.

This is my refrain.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

star-crossed lovers?


“Whale hits on sheep!”

You know…we have a common ancestor…”

It began as a doodle in a Spanish class two years ago. Even his blowhole has hearts coming out of it…Crude, I know.

(what scientist think their common ancestor looked like, by the way…)