Saturday, March 1, 2014

Profane Tales: Olde Q & A Times!

Hello, Fantastical Creatures!

I hope you have been enjoying the new series of stories and comics starring Gelding, Puck and company!

Due to technical difficulties the comic will have to wait until I receive repairs on my digital art equiptment (expect around March 4th). I thought I'd take a minute to answer any questions or concerns you might have concerning anything at all in the story/characters/design/whatever.

There are no dumb questions here, so ask away. If there's anything that is making the comic or stories difficult to read, I would rather it be addressed than let it ruin someone's entertainment. Shoot!

1. The first question I received so far concerns the short comic "Soliloquy."

When asking me a question, I will usually leave you anonymous when answering. Let me know if you would like me to reference you when I answer.

"Who is the skull-bearer?" Snowy-Angel, mind-blowingly talented artist and an inspiration to me, asked.

That, my dear, is the King of Fae. He has many names but prefers to be referred to only as the King, because he is a egomaniac. But among many of his names are Pestis, Victorinus and Oberon (a nickname given to him by mortals for his ferocious nature, which they compare to that of a bear's).

Once I get enough questions I will make another post with answers to them and eventually include them on the Profane Index Page. (About that, if you click on that link above on the site's links, many of your questions may be answered).

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