Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Chisel in Hand


(Pygmalion & Galatea by Bulfinch)


I am asking you

Who gives a damn about

The finished sculpture now,

Without its feelings,

Or a soul, or a spirit endowed?

If it can no longer cry to you

With tears that empower

If it can no longer smile for you

As a gardener’s flower

If it can no longer bleed the blood

That falls for you to nurse

Than what use do you have of it?

What is this object’s worth?

When your object’s failings cease to be

Its personal tragedy

When that subhuman statue turns to see

The world in full humanity

And marble eyes fill with tears

That you did not supply

And leaks its salty water

Is it still lovely in your eyes?

When it happens to step into the sun

And into the night wind, curious

Will you say that it has shunned

Its creator, and abandoned him for play.

Chisel-wielder, do you see

How you look upon me

Not as a Someone with a reflection

But as an object for your needs?

A sculptor looking with aspiration

Never with full admiration

Chisel, ever in your hand

©2010 LuzBriar.


NOTE to Reader: Folks, if you are here and reading, PLEASE click a response below. You don’t even have to leave a comment, just check off something at the bottom of the page. Unless, of course, you hate it. Then do tell me why. What’s the point of posting if nobody reads?! :(


  1. I actually think this is one of your better poems. It starts off a bit weak, particularly the line about smiling and a gardner's flower, but you ended it really nicely on a strong note. The perspective is confusing at first, but becomes clear at the end and I really like how you chose to portray the POV of the statue and her opinions on the sculptors frustrations.

  2. thanks Alex! i agree with you about the flowery shit. i dont know what my obsession with plants are lately 0_o it'll probably be pruned out. d'oh! there i go again!
