Thursday, August 18, 2011

poem: Strike Me (Fair-Weather)

Strike Me (Fair-Weather)

Strike me
I know it is your way to wound
In fair-weather
To hide your quiver
And in the downpour
To produce it and aim.
You beat your prey down to a pulp you can digest
Then spit it out…
Then wave the white flag…

Strike me
Fair-weather guardian
Tug the chain
To return me to your range.
But when the links break
And you lose your target, cry.
“Abandonment” in all its synonyms
You spit me out
You wave your flag

Strike me
How dare I escape the pain
I am a Coward!
How dare I hide from you
Or dare to seek shelter
From the maelstrom (Hell’s Wrath)
My soul is so colored from your attacks
It aches and trembles to touch.
You’ll spit out nothing now
And I will ignore your flag.

(c) 2011 Luz Briar.

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